Our Vision:

To SEE a move of God in Vernon by BEING the move of God for Vernon!

To SEE a move of God in Vernon by BEING the move of God for Vernon!

Our Mission Statement:

To Equip Spirit Empowered People to see those outside of the faith in our region saved, set free, filled with the Holy Spirit, discipled and equipped to share the to share the good news of Jesus with those around them.


The Landing Church has been around for over 80 years. In 2005 we moved into our new building and sought new growth and new vision. As the Church has continued to grow and developed over the years, what has become clear is our heart to be a Church that experiences what we see in the Bible in real life. We want to reach our city for Jesus, bringing the gospel to the hopeless and healing to the broken.

We want to show Vernon that This Is REAL!!


God created and sustains the heavens and the earth, which display God’s glory. Formed in the image of God, both male and female, humankind is entrusted with the care of God’s creation as faithful stewards. As a result of human rebellion, sin and death entered the world, distorting the image of God and all of God’s good creation. Angels were created as supernatural beings to worship and serve God. Along with Satan, some angels chose to rebel and oppose the purposes of God. Christ gives believers victory over Satan and these demons.


Salvation is available to all people by the loving, redemptive act of the triune God.  Through obedience to the Father, Christ gave himself as a ransom.  Christ, who had no sin, became sin for us offering himself and shedding his blood on the cross so that in him we might become right with God. The life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ provide the way of salvation for those who, by God’s grace, repent from their sin and confess faith in Jesus Christ as Lord.

Salvation means to receive the Spirit, to be forgiven, reconciled with God and others, born again, and liberated from sin and darkness, transferring the believer into God’s kingdom. Our experience of liberation includes healing — whether spiritual, physical, emotional, or mental — as a foretaste of our future, complete restoration. Those who remain in Christ and do not turn away are assured of salvation on judgment day by the indwelling Holy Spirit, who sanctifies and empowers believers for Christ-like living and service.


On the Day of Pentecost, Jesus poured out the promised Holy Spirit on the church. As his return draws near, Jesus continues to baptize in the Holy Spirit those who are believers. This empowers them to continue his work of proclaiming with speech and action the good news of the arrival and coming of the kingdom of God. This experience is available for everyone, male and female, of every age, status, and ethnicity. The sign of speaking in tongues indicates that believers have been baptized with the Holy Spirit and signifies the nature of Spirit baptism as empowering our communication, to be his witnesses with speech and action as we continue to pray in the Spirit.


Jesus Christ is the head of the church. All who are united with Christ are joined by the Spirit to his body. Each local church is an expression of the universal church whose role is to participate in the mission of God to restore all things. Central to the church is the shared experience of the transforming presence of God. The church responds with worship, prayer, proclamation, discipleship, and fellowship, including the practices of water baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Baptism by immersion symbolizes the believer’s identification with Christ in his death and resurrection. The Lord’s Supper symbolizes Christ’s body and blood, and our communion as believers. Shared together, it proclaims his death in anticipation of his return. The Spirit gives all gifts to the church to minister to others in love for the purpose of bearing witness to Christ and for the building up of the church. The Spirit also empowers leaders, both female and male, to equip the church to fulfill its mission and purposes.


Our great hope is for the imminent return of Christ in the air to receive his own, both the living who will be transformed, and the dead in Christ who will be resurrected bodily. Christ will complete at his second coming the restoration begun when he initiated God's kingdom at his first coming. Christ will liberate creation from the curse, fulfill God’s covenant to Israel, and defeat all powers that oppose God. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Ultimately, God will judge the living and the dead. Such judgment is God’s gracious answer to humanity’s cry for justice to prevail throughout the earth and is consistent with God’s character as loving, holy, and just. The unredeemed will go away into eternal punishment, but the redeemed into eternal life. The redeemed will enjoy the presence of God where there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!


This version of the Statement of Essential Truths represents the result of an extensive collaborative process to rephrase and refresh what is most essential to us. As before, we make no claim that this statement covers all biblical truth, nor that the human phraseology employed here is inspired. We recognize as we did at the outset of our movement that there is some diversity of theological thought among us, but we remain committed as a Pentecostal community to the historic creeds of the church, to evangelical convictions of faith, and to the Full Gospel that Christ is Savior, Healer, Spirit-Baptizer, and Soon Coming King.


There is one God, the creator, who exists eternally in unity as three equal persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The triune God is loving, holy, infinite, just, and worthy of all worship. The Father accomplishes his plan of salvation through both redemption and judgment. All things will be subject to him, and his kingdom will have no end. The Father sent the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of Mary when she was a virgin.

Jesus became fully human while remaining fully God. Anointed by the Spirit, Jesus revealed the Father and the kingdom of God by his sinless life, teaching, and miracles. After he died for our sin, God raised him from the dead, and he is now at the right hand of the Father.

The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father through the Son and gives life throughout creation. The Spirit draws people to repentance and new life in Jesus Christ. Through the Spirit’s indwelling, the Father and the Son are present to all believers, making them children of God.


The Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is the written revelation of God’s character and saving purposes for humanity and for all creation. As God’s revelation, the entire Bible is true and trustworthy, and is the final and absolute authority for belief and conduct. The Holy Spirit who inspired the Bible enables its interpretation and application.


  1. Spirit Empowered Sunday Services

We believe that our Sunday Services are meant to be a chance for people to encounter God! This is one of the main moments where people will realize that THIS IS REAL. Our goal on Sundays is not only to establish new connections and community with one another, but to create a space where God can move freely among his people. We believe that through these services lives will be healed, delivered and set free!

2. Healing for the Broken

We know that life can be painful for people. People are experiencing sickness, disease, mental health issues, financial pressure, and family problems like never before. This is why we want to be a space where people can find healing in the brokenness. Because of this heart for healing, we put a strong emphasis on prayer. Prayer is the chance for God to invade our circumstances, changing them for the better. Its how we minister freedom to people who feel life has run them over. So during our Sunday services, we have specific opportunities for people to receive prayer for healing and freedom. And along with this, we have the Healing Rooms run out of our Church twice per week (Tuesday evenings from 7pm to 9pm, and Thursday afternoons from 12pm to 2pm). If people come to Church and need healing, we have an answer for them and many ways for them to get help.

3. Discipleship for Believers

We know that Believers need to grow in Christ. Its essential to our Christian faith not to stay stagnant, but to remain growing in every way possible. This is why we have launched our mid-week Bible studies and ministries. Life groups, Legacy builders, Young Adults, Youth Group, and Owana (Kids Program) are our primary methods for helping people build community and grow in their relationship with Jesus. We have space for people from any age group and all walks of life!

4. Spirit Empowered Training

Right now we are working developing ways for Christians to be trained for the work of ministry. This is very important in our vision for the Church, because its not enough to simply know Jesus, but we need to be trained on how to share him with others. So as this ministry grows, we plan on equipping people to share their faith, pray for the sick, cast out demons, and walk in the gifts of the Spirit.

5. Sent Out

The final part of our vision is for our Church to understand that they are on mission for Jesus. Everyday, everywhere they go is an opportunity to share his love and goodness with people around them! Everything we do comes down to this final point: if we don’t engage with the mission, we STOP the mission. So within this part of our vision, we encourage people to share Jesus at every opportunity possible, leading their friends, family, co-workers, and strangers to Christ. We will also create outreach opportunities and training points throughout the year so people can see how others share their faith with the people of Vernon. Once people have come to faith in Jesus, we encourage our people to bring them to Church to get them plugged into Christian community AND to help the ones they lead to faith in their walk with Christ.


We want to be a Church that reaches the north Okanagan with a move of the God that TRANSFORMS our area into a place that feels like heaven on earth. God has marked our Church and City for Revival and we are going to experience it!

“And it will be in the last days, says God, that I will pour out my Spirit on all people”

Acts 2:17